How to Create a Ubuntu VM in Azure

The purpose of this blog post is to provide the guidance and the steps needed to create a Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) in Azure. In this example, I am going to use Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS as the OS (Operating System). Please keep in mind that the settings, options, descriptions, etc. may be different for each use case

  • Log into the Azure Portal with your NVIDIA credentials (for example,
  • Select Virtual Machines, Create, Create a virtual machine, followed by Azure virtual machine.
Azure Virtual Machine
  • The first step in this process is referred to as the Basics. You’ll provide information and also make your selections based on your preferences and requirements. This includes providing a virtual machine name, the Azure Region where the virtual machine will be hosted, the Availability Zone, the Security Type, and the Azure Image (which OS you’re planning to install on the virtual machine). Additional settings (not pictured) include VM architecture, the size of the VM, authentication type, desired username, and preferred inbound port rules.
Create a Virtual Machine
  • The second step includes selected your preferred Disks. This involves the disk size, disk type, and additional data disks as needed.
  • The third step allows you to define your Networking preferences. You can select a Virtual Network or create a new one, a public IP or create a new one, assign a NIC security group, public inbound ports, whether a NIC should be deleted when the VM is deleted, and other options not pictured below.
  • The remaining four steps (Management, Monitoring, Advanced, and Tags) are options that may not be widely used or consumed but are available to you. I personally have not used any of them so I won’t go any further in discussing them.
  • The final step (Review + Create) provides you with an opportunity to review the settings you’ve selected up until this point and if no further changes are required, you can proceed with the creation of the new VM. An example of a recently created VM in it’s deployment process is pictured below.
VM Deployment
VM Deployment
VM Deployment Complete

If I have missed anything or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

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